Tuesday, August 14, 2012

LDAP - Error - Unable to open log file

It's a good idea to log the progress of a LDAP import/export to see what entities have successfully imported/exported and what entities are not. To enable logging, we need to use '-j' option in the command with a valid location where log files will be created.


ldifde -i -f export.ldif -s localhost -t 10389 -a "uid=admin,ou=system" secret -k -j c:\logs

-i = enables import (default is export)
-f = indicate import/export file. After -f user has to provide a valid file to import data from 
-s = server info. Value after -s is server info
-t = port info after the option
-a = execute the command using supplied distinguish name and password
-k = to ignore 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errors. This is import specific       
-j = enable logging. Value after this option has to be a valid location

Log Location:
If log location is valid, the command will create two log files ldif.err and ldif.log. First one includes all the errors, second one is for more verbose information

1. Log file location must follow -j
2. Unable to open log file

Solution of errors:
1. -j must follow with valid log location and need to make sure no file name
2. Need to make sure file name not provided as log location